Are You Ready to Find Your Soulmate?

Say 'Maybe,' and You'll Receive $1132 Worth of Muslim Singles Bonuses for FREE... So You Can Finally

Find Your Soulmate and Get Married!

“ When you begin TODAY, you'll receive EVERYTHING necessary for your marriage search, including coaching, a supportive community, exclusive resources, and much more — all FREE for the first month! “
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All You Have to Do Is Say "MAYBE"

and the gift is yours... For FREE

Time-Sensitive Alert

From: Shehzad Hanif, Founder of Soulmate Seekers

Location: London, England

Time: 3.00am, The magical hour when even my cat gives me a puzzled look as if to say, 'Seriously?'

Hey there,

If you're ready to embark on a meaningful journey to find your perfect life partner, where you can truly flourish along the way, then this message is for you.

Here's what's happening:

We're seeking Muslim singles eager to explore and attract their ideal partners.

Today, we're Excited to Share the 'Winning LOVE Formula' with You to Get Started...

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But That's Just the Beginning...

To ensure your journey is a success and to provide you with the best possible tools for your marriage search, we're committed to EQUIPPING YOU with EVERYTHING YOU NEED.

As part of a one-month complimentary trial, you'll have the opportunity of:

  • Building a resilient and supportive community to overcome feelings of isolation
  • Embracing mindfulness and spiritual practices to conquer fear and anxiety
  • Cultivating patience and adopting a proactive mindset
  • Letting go of the past and embracing a positive outlook for the future
  • Boosting self-esteem and fostering a sense of self-worth
  • Developing confidence and conquering self-doubt in the pursuit of love
  • Aligning religious values and addressing any doubts about faith compatibility
  • Embarking on a journey of healing and forgiveness to move forward
  • Navigating cultural expectations and achieving balance in your relationships
  • Embracing your unique qualities and banishing the fear of inadequacy
  • Improving communication skills to alleviate frustration
  • Fostering personal and spiritual growth to overcome stagnation
  • Navigating the complexities of religious compatibility with empathy
  • Reconnecting with the faith community and establishing a solid support network
  • Rediscovering love and cultivating a deeper understanding of love within the context of your faith and relationships.
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All of This Will Be Yours for Free During the First Month as Our Special Gift to You.

Yes, it's true.

And if you're still uncertain whether this is the right choice for you, let us clarify:

  • It doesn't matter if you're grappling with feelings of isolation or doubt.
  • It doesn't matter if you're wrestling with self-doubt or haunted by past decisions.
  • It doesn't matter if you're navigating challenges in your relationships or within your faith community.
  • And it ABSOLUTELY doesn't matter if you don't fit some ideal standard (remember, you are deserving of love and joy just as you are).

In just a moment, we'll unravel all the myths you've encountered about searching for and discovering your ideal partner.

Additionally, we'll guide you through the process of finding your perfect match without second-guessing...

Without losing your way, and without battling those dreadful "anxiety nightmares" (we all have them, but we've got a little trick up our sleeve that can BANISH that dreadful feeling in mere seconds).

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Now, You Might Be Pondering...

“ Why are we being so incredibly generous and offering all of this today... and for free?! “

Well, let's be straightforward...

we simply want you to step out of the shadows and...

Join the Journey!

Because if you're reading this now, we understand it's likely due to one of these two reasons:

Reason #1

You've contemplated delving into the world of marriage searching, perhaps in pursuit of genuine companionship or a meaningful bond, desiring to encounter love and satisfaction.

However, you might be holding back, still 'strategizing' and ensuring you have the right approach before taking the leap.

But deep down, there might be a lingering feeling of uncertainty or concern about potential judgment if things don't go as planned.

Reason #2

You HAVE ventured into the realm of marriage searching, even giving it a shot at some point, but for some reason, it didn't unfold as you had hoped.

Perhaps you dedicated countless hours, exhausted your energy, and invested your heart into the search, only for it to crumble, leaving you with a surge of failure washing over you like an anxiety wave in your stomach.

Listen, You Are Absolutely Not Alone.

We Understand How Emotionally Challenging This Journey to Find a Life Partner Can Be...

And that’s why it feels like destiny that you've arrived here today...

Now, if you're not familiar with us, my name's Shehzad Hanif, and I'm the founder of Soulmate Seekers.

Our mission is to assist Muslim singles, just like you, in overcoming the obstacles that hinder you from actively seeking and discovering your perfect partner, enabling you to achieve the fulfilling life you aspire to and rightfully deserve.

Muslim singles coaches globally have contributed to the success of millions of marriages...

And Have Had a Profound Impact on Millions of Lives!

While these statistics may seem impressive, if you're still on the quest to find your ideal partner, it can appear to be a daunting task.

It might even feel a bit disheartening, especially if you've attempted to navigate the complexities of the 'marriage search' process but found yourself overwhelmed.

You're not alone in this experience.

We delved into uncovering the common factor among the most triumphant marriage searches.

We pondered over this fundamental question:

What sets apart those who succeeded in their marriage search from those who did not...? “

Over the years, and even presently, we've analysed successful marriage searches of my acquaintances and clients...

A discernible pattern emerged among our most prosperous journeys...

It all boiled down to one fundamental concept...

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In simpler terms...

  • It didn't matter if they weren't flawless...
  • It didn't matter if they were unsure of where to start...
  • And it didn't matter if they had encountered obstacles along the way...

The common thread running through all our most triumphant marriages was...

...They All Took That Crucial Step to Begin Their Search for the Ideal Partner

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Every one of these seekers had a clear picture of their "ideal partner," and it was almost a prerequisite for them not to be familiar with the basics of where to begin...

But that didn't matter at all.


Because They Took the Leap and Initiated the Process.

And you know what happened next?

They discovered confidence...

Then more...

And even more.

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Their confidence in seeking a partner grew each time they interacted with a potential match!

As for me, I faced my fair share of setbacks in my marriage journey.

And even though I am now recognized as the "Muslim singles expert" with a successful marriage, not all of my endeavors were fruitful.

But gradually, I honed my skills in exploring and connecting... (even during moments of nervousness or occasional stammering for words).

Because here’s the truth — the only way to progress in this intricate journey of finding the right partner is to experience setbacks, learn from them, and keep moving forward, despite the challenges.

But You Won't Even Have the Opportunity to Fail if You Don't Take the First Step and Start Searching.

If you've been hesitant to begin your search for a partner or if you've started before and then paused.

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You're in the right place.

We're here to provide you with the guidance you need, step by step, to embark on your journey to find your ideal partner.

Together, we'll work toward achieving the fulfilling marriage you've been envisioning.

"Join the Action!"

To help you get started and ensure you have the necessary tools, we've assembled a comprehensive set of bio-hacks and strategies.

These tools will enable you to navigate your search for an ideal partner smoothly, without any unnecessary delays.

Moreover, our ultimate goal is to empower you to experience the joys and successes that come with finding and marrying your perfect match.

We're not here to burden you with the usual high costs of 'getting in the game.'

As promised earlier, we're providing you with everything you need, including a one-month free trial as a special gift to embark on your search for the ideal partner, absolutely free!

Don't hesitate to take this opportunity and say 'maybe' today to receive these incredible benefits!

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Absolutely Free 30-Day Trial

Yes, you heard it right.

Rather than charging you, we're offering you a whole month for free...

During this trial period, you'll have the chance to:

  • Immerse yourself in our extensive coaching program without any financial obligations.
  • Utilize all the exclusive resources and materials that are tailored to aid you on your quest to find your life partner.
  • Connect with a supportive community of individuals who share similar aspirations, providing a platform for mutual support and encouragement on the journey to finding your perfect match.
  • Witness firsthand the remarkable impact of our tried-and-tested strategies and techniques.
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Unlocking the door to our coaching program allows you to familiarize yourself with the process, discover more about your inner self, establish your goals, and take action, all without spending a single penny!

Upon registering today, you will immediately gain access to our members' area, enabling you to begin strategizing on how to:

  • Conquer Feelings of Loneliness: Join a supportive community of individuals who share similar experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie that counteracts the isolating effects of loneliness.
  • Overcome Fear and Anxiety: Leverage guided exercises and mindfulness techniques specifically designed to alleviate fear and anxiety, empowering you to approach your quest for a life partner with a clearer and more composed mindset.
  • Enhance Self-Esteem and Confidence: Make the most of our specialized lessons that focus on cultivating self-worth and confidence, equipping you with the necessary tools to approach potential relationships with a newfound sense of self-assuredness.
  • Navigate Cultural and Religious Hurdles: Gain access to valuable lessons that aid in navigating the challenges stemming from cultural expectations and religious disparities, fostering understanding and appreciation for diverse viewpoints throughout your pursuit of a compatible partner.
  • Foster a Sense of Belonging and Love: Engage in tailored exercises and emotional support sessions geared towards deepening your understanding of self-love, enabling you to foster affectionate relationships built on mutual respect and care, ensuring that you feel genuinely cherished during your journey.

So what are you waiting for?!? All you have to say is "MAYBE" and the gift is yours... for free!

  • FREE 30-Day Trial ................................................................................ PRICELESS!
  • FREE Access to Recordings of Previous Group Coaching Sessions ......... $97 value
  • FREE Access to Archive Recordings of Interviews with Relationship Experts, including Baba Ali and Al Maghrib Institute ......................................... $397 value
  • FREE Access to Archives of Brother Shehzad's Pre-Recorded Relationships Masterclass .......................................................................................... $47 value
  • FREE 24/7 WhatsApp Access for Marriage-Related Questions ............. $197 value
  • FREE 1-Year Access to Half Our Deen Singles Online Portal ................. $150 value
  • FREE Soulmate Seekers Private 1-to-1 Coaching Session with Brother Shehzad Hanif (Limited to First 5 People to Register) ......................................... $197 value
  • BONUS Baba Ali’s PDF of Questions to Ask a Potential Spouse .............. $47 value
  • BONUS Access to Private Facebook Community .......................................................

Total Value: $1132


Sheikh Waleed Basyouni, President of the Al Maghrib Institute, expressed personal gratitude towards Shehzad and his team for their work, while Baba Ali, Co-Founder of Half our Deen, lauded Shehzad's coaching, highlighting its remarkable and extraordinary nature.

Additionally, Jubayr Khan, Founder of, highly recommended Shehzad's services, suggesting that Shehzad possesses the ability to provide valuable assistance to those seeking help.

OK Shehzad, what’s the catch?

Listen - we're not hiding anything.

We're doing this insane offer as a bribe to get you to sign-up for a 30 DAY FREE Trial of Soulmate Seekers

Why would we do this?

For a few reasons actually…

Reason #1: We firmly believe in the transformative power of our coaching program and want to offer you the opportunity to experience its benefits firsthand, without any financial commitment, so you can witness the positive impact it can have on your marriage search journey.

Reason #2: By providing you with a comprehensive trial period, we aim to build trust and demonstrate the value of our program, showcasing how it can equip you with the necessary tools and support to overcome obstacles and find your ideal partner.

Reason #3: We're committed to fostering a community of empowered and fulfilled individuals who are confident in their quest for a fulfilling and compatible relationship, and this trial offer is our way of inviting you to be a part of this transformative journey without any initial financial risk.

Say "MAYBE" now

And This Incredible Gift Is Yours…For Free!

The beauty of this offer is that you don't need to commit and say 'YES!' immediately...

Simply say "MAYBE"

"Maybe I'll give it a try..."

"Maybe I can make it happen!"

"Maybe it's time to find my ideal partner and transform my life..."

"Maybe this coaching is the solution I've been seeking..."

Are you prepared to say MAYBE and receive your handy GIFT?

Given these considerations,

Here’s What You Should Do Next…

From this point, it's just finalizing your complimentary gift

Feel free to click or tap on the green button below right now, sign up, and we'll begin!

Once you've signed up, you'll receive an invitation to our upcoming live group session where you can:

- Engage in enlightening conversations with a seasoned coach and individuals with similar goals, acquiring valuable insights and tailored advice for your unique journey.

- Take part in interactive activities and workshops aimed at improving your self-awareness and relationship-building abilities, equipping you with practical resources for navigating the intricacies of the marriage search process.

- Access exclusive materials and resources crafted to empower you in your pursuit of a compatible and gratifying partnership, ensuring that you are well-prepared to make informed choices and take significant strides forward.

And remember - this is your moment to make something significant happen!

It’s time for you to "get in the game" and discover your perfect partner!


Once you discover your ideal partner, you will feel like a complete person.

We understand how this might seem trivial, but sincerely, there's simply nothing quite like it…

We want you to experience the sensation of having a satisfying marriage, and it all commences when you take that first step

Looking forward to seeing you in the live group session

To your prosperity,

Shehzad Hanif

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So What Are You Waiting For?!? All You Have to Say Is "MAYBE" and the Gift Is Yours... for Free!

  • FREE 30-Day Trial ................................................................................ PRICELESS!
  • FREE Access to Recordings of Previous Group Coaching Sessions ......... $97 value
  • FREE Access to Archive Recordings of Interviews with Relationship Experts, including Baba Ali and Al Maghrib Institute ......................................... $397 value
  • FREE Access to Archives of Brother Shehzad's Pre-Recorded Relationships Masterclass .......................................................................................... $47 value
  • FREE 24/7 WhatsApp Access for Marriage-Related Questions ............. $197 value
  • FREE 1-Year Access to Half Our Deen Singles Online Portal ................. $150 value
  • FREE Soulmate Seekers Private 1-to-1 Coaching Session with Brother Shehzad Hanif (Limited to First 5 People to Register) ......................................... $197 value
  • BONUS Baba Ali’s PDF of Questions to Ask a Potential Spouse .............. $47 value
  • BONUS Access to Private Facebook Community .......................................................

Total Value: $1132

P.S. Remember, you'll receive the first month for FREE, aiding you in initiating your search for and discovering your perfect partner, fostering self-assurance, conquering emotional hurdles, and establishing meaningful connections.

P.S.S. To clarify further, you won't be left without guidance. We'll be there every step of the way, ensuring you never feel lost, uncertain, make costly errors, or get trapped in overthinking.

Moreover, to ENSURE your swift success and equip you with a plethora of effective strategies, we're offering you the first month completely FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our coaching program is designed to provide comprehensive guidance and support to individuals seeking to proactively engage in their own marriage search journey. Unlike traditional matchmaking services that often pair individuals based solely on superficial characteristics, our program focuses on empowering participants to develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their relationship goals. Through personalized coaching, group sessions, and interactive resources, we equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and build meaningful connections based on compatibility and shared values. Our aim is to facilitate personal growth and self-discovery, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of the search for an ideal partner with confidence and clarity.
Our coaching program incorporates a multifaceted approach to understanding the psychology of our clients, emphasizing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. Through tailored coaching sessions, introspective exercises, and cognitive behavioral techniques, we assist individuals in identifying and addressing any psychological barriers or limiting beliefs that may hinder their ability to form meaningful connections. By fostering a positive mindset, enhancing self-confidence, and promoting a deeper understanding of personal needs and desires, our program enables clients to radiate authenticity and attract like-minded individuals. Through this psychological empowerment, individuals are better equipped to cultivate fulfilling relationships and increase the likelihood of finding their ideal soulmate.
Our coaching program implements a holistic approach that combines evidence-based psychological techniques with compassionate guidance to address the deep-seated impacts of childhood trauma, narcissistic experiences, and abuse. Through specialized therapeutic interventions, mindfulness practices, and personalized support, we work with clients to identify and heal underlying emotional wounds, fostering a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By facilitating a safe and nurturing environment, we assist individuals in processing and releasing past traumas, allowing them to cultivate a healthier mindset and embrace positive relationship patterns conducive to finding a compatible life partner.
Our coaching program integrates a unique blend of spiritual and psychological approaches, harnessing the power of Islamic mindfulness to facilitate deep emotional healing and restoration. By leveraging the wisdom and guidance found in Islamic teachings, we provide individuals with transformative tools that encourage self-reflection, spiritual connection, and inner peace. Through the utilization of these sacred practices and supplications, clients are supported in their journey towards emotional resilience, self-empowerment, and the cultivation of a harmonious mindset conducive to fostering healthy and meaningful relationships in line with Islamic values.
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Kindly grant me access to the 30-day trial for Soulmate Seekers at no cost.